Wednesday, February 11, 2009

i wish i were a princess...

i wish i were a princess... no wonder for a girl like me to wonder about it because i live in a small house near the field.. we always harvest foods at the garden, worry about the money for tomorrow.. always get envious by the new dresses of my cousins and friends... you know...things like a poor girl like me could wonder about and think that it will never be mine.. i always ask myself, "why do i have to deserve this?".. it's like, i'm tired of always budgeting my money this day for my daily recess and lunch.. i can't take this...

when i wake up in the morning, i always do my household chores.. sweeping the floor, the dusty floor, the never-ending dusty floor that it will never be clean forever.. wahs the dishes, the dirty dishes which i am tired of washing... i just can't take it..

whenever i see the business plan of my father, i thought to myself, "will it work?". "who will buy mushrooms for their dinner?". people around me always wanted pork, fish and chicken for their dinner, lunch and breakfast.. becauase we're so influenced by the Americans who came here decades ago..

i ever wonder, will i be able to splurge my money to buy this and that? will i be able to buy whatever i see in the magazines? hayy...

i wish i were really a princess...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


my japanese name according to a quiz

my japanese name! it's beautiful name!

from: michaela rubie viloria


My authentic japanese name is 水嶋 Mizushima (water island) 美晴 Miharu (beautiful clear sky).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

based on handwriting...

View Report

Welcome Michaela Viloria, here is your handwriting analysis.

Michaela is moderately outgoing. Her emotions are stirred by sympathy and heart rendering stories. In fact, she can be kind, friendly, affectionate and considerate of others. She has the ability to put herself into the other person's shoes.

Michaela will be somewhat moody, with highs and lows. Sometimes she will be happy, the next day she might be sad. She has the unique ability to get along equally well with what psychology calls introverts and extroverts. This is because she is in between. Psychology calls Michaela an ambivert. She understands the needs of both types. Although they get along, she will not tolerate anyone that is too "far out." She doesn't sway too far one way or the other.

When convincing her to buy a product or an idea, a heart rendering story could mean a great deal to her. She puts herself in the same situation as the person in the story, yet she will not buy anything that seems overly impractical or illogical. Michaela is an expressive person. She outwardly shows her emotions. She may even show traces of tears when hearing a sad story.

Michaela is a "middle-of-the-roader," politically as well as logically. She weighs both sides of an issue, sits on the fence, and then will decide when she finally has to. She basically doesn't relate to any far out ideas and usually won't go to the extreme on any issue.

People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially. According to the data input, Michaela doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.

Michaela is sensitive to criticism about her ideas and philosophies. She will sometimes worry what people will think if she tells them what she believes in. This doesn't mean she won't talk, or that she feels ashamed. It merely means she is sensitive to what others think, regarding her beliefs.

Michaela is secretive. She has secrets which she does not wish to share with others. She intentionally conceals things about herself. She has a private side that she intends to keep that way, especially concerning certain events in her past.

In reference to Michaela's mental abilities, she has a very investigating and creating mind. She investigates projects rapidly because she is curious about many things. She gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but she soon must slow down and look at all the angles. She probably gets too many things going at once. When Michaela slows down, then she becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, she must slow down to do it. She then decides what projects she has time to finish. Thus she finishes at a slower pace than when she started the project.

She has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. Her mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. She can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Michaela can then switch into her low gear. When she is in the slower mode, she can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. She is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip.

Michaela's true self-image is unreasonably low. Someone once told Michaela that she wasn't a great and beautiful person, and she believed them. Michaela also has a fear that she might fail if she takes large risks. Therefore she resists setting her goals too high, risking failure. She doesn't have the internal confidence that frees her to take risks and chance failure. Michaela is capable of accomplishing much more than she is presently achieving. All this relates to her self-esteem. Michaela's self-concept is artificially low. Michaela will stay in a bad situation much too long... why? Because she is afraid that if she makes a change, it might get worse. It is hard for Michaela to plan too far into the future. She kind of takes things on a day to day basis. She may tell you her dreams but she is living in today, with a fear of making a change. No matter how loud she speaks, look at her actions. This is perhaps the biggest single barrier to happiness people not believing in and loving themselves. Michaela is an example of someone living with a low self-image, because their innate self-confidence was broken.

Michaela exaggerates about everything that has a physical nature. Although she may not intend to deceive or mislead, she blows things way out of proportion because that is the way she views them. She will be a good story teller. This exaggeration relates to all areas of her material world. Michaela allows many people into her life because she is accepting and trusting. She is sometimes called gullible by her friends. That only really means that she trusts too many people. Michaela has a vivid imagination.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

who were u in past life?

Kaylasakura, you could have been a famous Artist
Oil painting, sculpture, photography. No matter the medium, it's clear that an imaginative soul like yours must have been an artist in a former life. With your creativity and originality, you've got a unique approach to the world that just begs to be shared with everyone.Like the great masters who came before you, you march to the beat of your own drummer and don't follow the herd. You live life by your own rules and aren't afraid to express your ideas. Lucky for all of us, they're great ones. So, keep expressing yourself. You're sure to be legendary!

my aura color is gold!

We don't need a psychic to tell us that you're giving off a Gold vibe. You couldn't ask for a better color — a glistening gold aura is as good as it gets. A lively blend of yellow and orange, gold people are happy, playful, energetic, sensitive, and generous. Always up for adventure, you'd give a friend in need the shirt off your back. You're spiritual, too — all those halos in old paintings aren't colored gold by coincidence. Almost childlike in the carefree, joyful way you live your life, you're popular and outgoing with your large circle of friends. Chances are you're so full of light and energy that you sometimes find it hard to sit still and chill out. Instead, you're constantly looking for excitement, no matter how risky or impulsive the occasion. Happy-go-lucky and always laughing, you truly are as good as gold.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

i am an edgy beauty

A risk-taker by nature, you like to play around with beauty and fashion. You have fun changing your look to match your sparkling and wild personality. Whether you go for a crazy hair color, glittery makeup, or an all-over black outfit, your style changes with your moods and shows the world what you're feeling.There's a fearless creativity in you that others admire. You don't pay too much attention to what others say — you blaze your own trail in life. And as soon as the world catches up to your style, you're on to something new. That's beautiful!